Plan Your Business
Learn about business plans, market research, and other important steps to take when starting a business.
Start Your Business
If you'd like to sell goods or services in Brookline, or elsewhere in Massachusetts, this section will help you take the necessary steps to formalize your business for legal and taxation purposes.
How to Open a Business Bank Account
Whether you are just starting out or have been in business for years, it's critical to know how to manage your business finances.
Expand Your Business
If you've been running a business for a little while and are itching to take things to the next level, you can find a lot of great information here.
Guide to Working with Brookline
Want to work with the Town? You've come to the right place.
Before You Bid
Find out what you can do to set your business up for success.
Vendor Registration
Find Bids and Opportunities
Perform and Get Paid
Town Departments
Certain Town of Brookline departments routinely work with small and diverse businesses. Learn more about their contracts and requirements below.
Business Certifications Overview
SDO Certification
The State Supplier Diversity Office (SDO) offers a free certification for eligible firms.
DCAMM Certification
Find out about certifications from the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM).
SBPP Certification
Find out if you are eligible for Small Business Purchasing Program (SBPP) certification.
DIB Directory
Certified Local Businesses, all in one place